Server Rules


  1. Be respectful to all users.
  2. No politics or religion.
  3. No hate speech.
  4. Use the discord channels as specified.
  5. No NSFW material.
  6. No spam.


  1. You have to record at any times you try to enter a enemy base, are inside a enemy base and leave a enemy base.
  2. Private Steam accounts will not be allowed on the server. Please make your profile public if asked to by our staff.
  3. Combat logging is forbidden your inventory will be cleared! Either move 1000m away or wait 10 minutes before exiting the game. The final decision on whether you are in combat will rest with the admin dealing with the case.
  4. No stream sniping.
  5. Glitching and Bugusing is forbidden! Using the Render-glitch for example is a bannable offense!
  6. Cheating will lead to a permanent ban, NVIDIA INSPECTOR is also considered Cheating!
  7. No meta gaming regarding players bases or specific player locations in the discord and global chat! Mentioning general fire fights is allowed.
  8. Disrespect towards any staff in-game or on Discord will result in a ban.
  9. Do not impersonate any staff-member.
  10. We have very low tolerance towards racism, Homophobia, toxic chat or hate speech of any kind, you will be removed immediately, this includes global chat/in game notes.
  11. Respect the staff-team/Admins have the final say regarding any ticket/issue.
  12. We as admins don't like to be DM'd. Make a ticket.
  13. English only ingame and in discord.
  14. This is dayz Cars are buggy..serious Server side issue's we will help with vehicles (if evidence is provided) Bad driving you will not be comp'd for.
  15. No Compensation without recording!!
  16. You are prohibited to use irl money or assets for ingame trades!!


  1. Group Limits:
    • Server 1 & 2: Maximum of 6 members per group.
    • Server 3 & 4: Maximum of 3 members per group.
    • Server 5 & 6 & 7: Maximum of 5 members per group.
    • You must adhere to these group limits at all times.
  2. Subgroups:
    • You are allowed 1 additional subgroup to accommodate inactive or offline members.
    • But the amount of online people in your group must not exceed the group limits.
  3. Group Membership:
    • Ensure all group members are added to the group system.
    • Teaming with individuals outside your group is not permitted.
  4. Alliances:
    • Alliances with other groups are not allowed.
    • Raiding or engaging in PvP with other factions is prohibited.
    • Trading with other factions is only permitted outside of active PvP or raiding restrictions.
  5. Base Limit:
    • Each faction/group is allowed only 1 base.
  6. Group Switching:
    • After creating or joining a group, you cannot join or create another group for 7 days, including if you leave your current group.


  1. Accessibility Requirements:
    • Your base must be reachable by walking.
    • You may not require players to perform any actions such as crouching, crawling, jumping, climbing, cutting down trees, picking up heavy objects, or any other actions not explicitly mentioned.
  2. Gate Placement:
    • Gates must not be clipped into any objects, whether static or player-raised.
    • This does not apply to dynamic objects like loot or gates in their open state.
  3. Wall Tunnels:
    • Single-person width wall tunnels are permitted; however, they must not obstruct any part of the visible raidable gate.
    • The full width of the gate must be exposed when the tunnel approaches it.
    • You may adjust the width of the tunnel between gates, but it must align with the full width of the gate at the point of access.
  4. Building Limits:
    • Each faction/group is permitted to occupy only one vanilla building.
    • Combining multiple buildings and referring to them as one is not allowed.
    • For construction in grey areas or additional space, please submit a support ticket.
  5. Code-Locked Gates:
    • A maximum of 20 code-locked gates is allowed per base.
    • Gates exceeding this limit will be removed.
  6. Prohibited Building Locations:
    • No building within 200 meters of military compounds/areas (excluding containers).
    • No construction in police stations, guard houses, hospitals, or prisons.
  7. Structural Restrictions:
    • Floating structures are prohibited.
    • Watchtowers and fences must not exceed the height of two stacked watchtowers (6 floors high).
    • Adequate spacing must be maintained between gates to ensure visibility of the gap.
  8. Ladders:
    • Ladders may be obstructed, provided that it does not render the base unraidable or create traps.
  9. Raidable Entrance:
    • Your base must include at least one raidable entrance.
  10. Base Limitations:
    • Only one base is permitted per faction/group.
    • Two flag poles are allowed, but this does not permit the construction of two separate bases.
  11. Additional No-Build Zones:
    • Additional no-build zones are indicated on the in-game map.
  12. Road Obstruction:
    • Roads must remain unobstructed by any construction.
  13. Log Walls:
    • Log walls of any kind are prohibited and will be removed without prior notice.
  14. Gardening Plots:
    • Gardening plots cannot be used for base reinforcement or concealment of fence posts.
  15. Barbed-Wire Tunnel Traps:
    • Barbed-wire tunnel traps are not permitted.


  1. Targeted Structures:
    • Only gates may be raided.
  2. Raid Scheduling:
    • Raids are permitted only on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays across all TDB Servers. Official raid time is Friday 16:00 until Monday 23:59 (CET time)
  3. Recording Requirement:
    • All raids must be recorded. Failure to provide a recording upon request may result in a temporary ban. Recordings will be reviewed solely by administrators in cases of suspected rule violations.
    • You have to record at any times you try to enter a enemy base, are inside a enemy base and leave a enemy base.
  4. Raid Conclusion:
    • If raiders are actively attempting to breach your base, you are not allowed to add Code Locks to any prebuilt walls/gates or build new gates while the raid is in progress. Rebuilding already existing gates that were destroyed is allowed. Active raiding is defined as the use of breaching charges, explosives, or shooting at the base gates with the intent to destroy them. If no raid tools or explosives are used in 60 minutes, defenders can build new gates.
    • Raiders can raid as long and as often as they want!
    • If grey areas are found they will be evaluated individually by the responding administrator.
  5. Prohibited Actions:
    • Despawning or griefing of bases is not permitted. Each situation will be evaluated individually by the responding administrator.
    • Burning or otherwise destroying loot is prohibited.
    • Logging out within enemy bases is not allowed.
    • Taking over other players’ bases is prohibited.
    • Glitching or merging through walls is forbidden. Entering through windows is not considered glitching.
  6. Boosting Limitations:
    • Boosting is restricted to one player, one item, or one vehicle to bypass a wall or gate.
    • The use of gardening plots, trees, fireplaces, MMG items, or trucks/UAZs for boosting is not allowed.
  7. Loot Management:
    • Loot must not be dropped on the floor outside of storage containers.
    • All loot must be stored properly once the raid is concluded.
    • Failure to do so may be classified as griefing. For example, if taking a tent, all loot inside must be transferred to another storage item.
  8. Combat Logging:
    • Logging out during an active raid is considered combat logging.
    • If disconnected due to connection issues, players must re-log within 1 to 2 minutes.

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